Rome, Galleria Borghese. Colossal statue of Bacchus

Rome, Galleria Borghese. Colossal statue of Bacchus

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Although only the torso is antique, the statue has been excellently restored as a representation of Dionysus. The weight of the figure is on the right leg, while the left is bent forwards. The right arm stretched up-wards and holding a bunch of grapes was formerly bent over the head, while the left may correspond to the original position. The statue resembles a figure belonging the group of Dionysus and a satyr, examples of which are to be found in Rome at the Palazzo Altemps and in the Vatican Museums. This type of Dionysus derives from the Apollo Lykeios, a work attributed to Euphranor. In the Borghese Gallery copy the restoration has isolated the figure of the god from its original context and simplified the composition, replacing the satyr serving as a support with a tree trunk. The handling of the nude figure, with chiaroscuro effects stressing the various anatomical divisions of the abdomen and thorax, gives the muscles the bulging character typical of Hellenistic compositions.





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