Topless girl in yellow lace panties.


Bild Informationen
Bild-Nr 1122545
Lizenz Rights managed, Royalty-Free
Model-Release liegt vor
Upload-Datum 10.03.2010
Copyright Zoonar/Horst Petzold
A young lovely woman, topless, with beautiful boobs and yellow lace panties
looking into the camera, standing in a studio for white background.

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XS   531x800  6,00 €  
Web   797x1200  9,00 €  
M   1162x1750  15,00 €  
Print   1647x2480  24,00 €  
XL   2331x3510  45,00 €  
XXL   2901x4368  90,00 €  
HighRes   2848x4288  150,00 €  

1 Preiskategorie Microstock zzgl. Aufschläge je nach Lizenzart.