

a angry person looking as if attacking something a angry person punshing itself a angry person with a paper bag had a angry person with bad smiley on paper bag head a mad looking person with paper bag head on a gray background a person with a paper bag head punshing itself a person with an angry paper bag smiley on its head a strong and angry person in forcing gesture an angry looking person holding or attacking something an angry looking person punshing itself an angry looking person with paper bag head Angry fighter Austernfischer , Haematopus ostralegus Blaesshuhn , Fulic tra, Coot Boxerin Business attack Caught Zombie Don't piss me off Dragon Drill bits of a dental drill, attack to the Earth Fighter's kick Final punch Gestik/Gesture Graureiher, Ardea cinerea, Heron Grosser Brachvogel , Mumerius arquatus, Curlew Humans or Alien Ich bin der Chef / I am the boss Kampfbereit Kegelrobbe, Halichoerus grypus, Grey Seal Kegelrobbe, Halichoerus grypus, Grey Seal (Gray seal), Atlantic Seal. Meinungsverschiedenheit zwischen zwei Robben am Strand. Disagreement between the two seals on the beach. Kegelrobben im Wasser Helgoland kettenhund Knife in hand Krokodil Lachmoewe, Larus ridibundus, Black-headed Gull Lustige Dirndlseniorin Male with a sharp knife in it's hand Male with a sharp knife in it's hand with a handcuff Man hand Man with knife threatening a woman Menschliche Wildkatze Monster möwe-schreiend Pistolenlady Revolverlady Schlange Screeming beauty Siam-Krokodil Siam-Krokodil (Crocodylus siamensis) The Green Dragon Warning sign, hand grenades Woman with knife threatening Woman with knife threatening a man